Monday, October 01, 2007


I worked through most of the weekend, yet I still found the weekend to be pretty relaxing. I think it's that residual enthusiasm associated with not being in school any more.

On the other hand, I had a split-second thought tonight of -- why did I work and study so hard in the grad program? I'm sure my employer (and possibly others) would have hired me in a heartbeat, regardless of grades (as long as I was above LOW). Heck, even when I go to trainings where it is clear that I am already employed by the same beings, other administrators will still say, "Darn! I was going to say that you should come work for my District/SELPA." =P

I am still struggling to accept my role as a professional (albeit a newbie). It's a weird transition to go from struggling student who seeks guidance and reassurance from every professional within 3 feet (and e-mail) to suddenly being the one that professionals are looking to for clinical judgments and decisions. This entire weekend, I've been perseverating, if you will, on making a clinical executive decision for 2 of my more severe kiddos. Fortunately, I have a great mentor to consult with, who has 14 years on me. Yesterday, she said something that really made me feel empowered. She said something to the effect of, "[Autism Teacher Specialist who has 20+ years of experience] does know a lot about autism, but she does not have a degree in SLP and sometimes, she may unknowingly cross those boundaries. You are the expert whether you feel like it or not...Trust your own judgment."

That's probably one of the hardest factors in this transition -- learning to trust my own clinical judgment, but thankfully, I have many great professionals around me to consult with. Just weird to call them my colleagues when they are leagues ahead...

Despite cramming 48 hour days into 24, I am enjoying my new career. :)


Bro and I visited Genius Aunty and Uncle this afternoon. (Hi Younger Genius Cousin!) They are getting ready to move in a few weeks. Both seemed quite happy (albeit exhausted from packing). I also visited their adorable doggie. I was cracking up b/c poor Cookie had some nappy fur! I'm happy to report that she, too, will eventually be moving with them...after her home is newly landscaped!

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