Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another Movie Date

Today, I met my movie-watching quota for the rest of this year and next. BF and I went to the movie theater again! That's twice in less than 4 weeks! This must be another blatant sign that I am (almost) no longer a student. Yay!

At noon on the dot, we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory overlooking the Marina (beautiful day), and then we watched The Simpsons Movie. (I had no idea that the 7-11 just down the street from us on Venice was only one of 11 across the that was transformed into a Kwik-E-Mart!) BF has been a huge Simpsons fan from the get-go so he was intent on "splurging" and watching it in the the theater. (Is it sad that this is what we consider splurging?)

Afterwards, we hit Best Buy and got 4 DVDs. I can't stand zombie flicks, but somehow, Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorites. Besides, Simon Pegg's stuff is hysterical. So we had to get Hot Fuzz the day it came out. :D

Random: we continued our Icee/Slurpie/Slushee frenzy by having an Icee during the Simpsons Movie and a coke Slurpie after Best Buy.

Monday, July 30, 2007

So close

Senioritis is a mofo. I am having such a hard time studying. I am so close to being done...and the anticipation is making me insanely restless. Only 6 more classes, 2 midterms, and a final project! :D

It took every bit of me to spend my Sunday the typical grad student way that I was accustomed to -- I went to church, fit in a quick work-out, played with Lil F...oh, and tried to study all day and night. I could have been bowling and getting inked.*

This AM, I woke up early but I've spent the AM doing more uncharacteristic things like responding on forums (and blogging). Procrastination brings out the most random characteristics at the most inopportune time.


*Okay, so I wasn't really going to get inked (yet). There appears to be disagreement on what, when, and where. However, BF's left arm is almost finished!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Ice-Cream Party

My reward for dealing with the cable company for literally 4 hours? Ice-cream!

BF was on his way out and he asked me, what do you want? Of course I want ice-cream!

He came home with 4 cartons. :D BF totally rules!

Turtle Race Training

For about 2 weeks now, I've been feeding Lil F in a separate container. She's not exactly conditioned yet (she still splooshes like crazy in her feeding corner, immediately after I've fed her), but hopefully, it'll happen sooner.

This AM, I was just about to put her in the container, when I thought I'd try something crazy. Just for funzies, I set her on the bathroom floor...and held her turtle food container right in front of her. Call it preliminary rounds for a turtle race...but she totally made the cut with flying colors! She chased the food container from the bathroom to the living/family/dining room, around the coffee table, and all the way back to the bathroom! At one point, I set the bottle on the floor, wondering WTH she'd do. She just walked up to it and stared, probably thinking, WTH mom!

Dude, she is so ready for the turtle races! Granted you can hover her food container ahead of her.

ADDENDUM: (Self-Commentary) I realize how insane all of that sounds...and just reading it makes me think I am so like my dad. Likewise, he is always up to some crazy antics. It must be in the blood.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I've been trying to prep for the school year/new job, so today I observed a Special Education teacher for children with multiple handicaps. This lady was amazing! She was handling her own -- training 4 other paraeducators, explaining everything she was doing to me, managing 4 MH students at a time while watching the remaining 10 out of the corner of her eye on top of the aforementioned. Talk about the epitome of multi-tasking. Or a psychic Big Brother (is that redundant?).

I think Special Education teachers should have their own hero classification. For reals.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Nash's First Birthday

We celebrated FBM's younger son's first birthday! It's been exciting watching how this big little potato is growing. BF and I were there when his Mom and Dad brought the kiddo home from the hospital. A year later, the kid is up and running every chance he gets. BF reported that he said his first 3 words, just a few days shy of his 1st birthday. Woo-hoo!

(Y'know I can't turn off the informal SLP assessments.)

On Saturday, BF and I got to FBM's house "on time" for the first time (not early and not Filipino time, either). I bet BF that although we were on time, we would still be the first to get there, hence the set-up crew as usual. I usually don't mind...except when it's Africa hot. I know I'm ridiculous; I am such a whiner when it's anything 80 degrees and above. Sure enough, we were the first ones there, but for the first time, the set-up crew also consisted of FBM's brother.

Point of clarification: I didn't do much setting up this time. I did do my usual Albertson's run, except this time, I had to purchase five 20 lb bags of ice. I was seriously sore the next day from carrying 3 bags across the long driveway. How weak is that?

I have to say, FBM knows how to throw a Big People party and a Small Potato Party. They rented a huge water slide, and the kids were on it nonstop until the sun set. I marveled at how little kids can be so friendly, trusting, and carefree. I think none of the 10+ kids knew all of the other kids, yet after 1 or 2 runs, they were homies, helping each other up the ladder, holding hands and sliding down together, etc. How easily the friendships formed. Kids are such a trip.

After it got dark, half of the Big People stayed super late. BF and I stayed until about 2:30 AM until I called it quits. I was surprised I was able to stay up past 11:30 P.M. for once...then I got up to go to church and had the hardest time concentrating b/c I was so darn sleepy...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Future Employment

Last week, I received the much anticipated news of where I will be working in September! Like any new job, I'm excited but nervous. Since then, I've received some interesting tidbits, as well as had many random thoughts.
  1. For the first time in my life, I have already mentally spent my paycheck before receiving it. This evening, bro and I took a short walk along Venice Beach and passed a restaurant that I often curiously peer into. Last time, bro said he brings his clients there often. So I was confused when he said, "Will you take me there one day?" I said, "Of course; when I get my first paycheck." Realizing that it's the principle, I started mentally RSVPing for September. We'll be sitting on the "patio" with the sun setting...after we've done a few successful rounds on the rings. :) Or maybe we'll take a raincheck on the rings.
  2. For the past 2 days, I attended an ABA/DTI training to work with individuals with autism. Twice, 2 individuals said in response to where I will be working, "OOhh....Those kids are horrible. I mean, your kids are fine, but it's the other kids that are bad." One said that fights break out everyday. I don't know what I was smoking when I tried to play it off cool by saying that I interned in The Wood. I guess it impressed her b/c she immediately said, "Oh, well then you'll be fine."
  3. Then she added the disclaimer, "As long as you don't do yard duty, you'll be fine." That is if I can get out of it. I've only broken up two fights in my life. In retrospect, I don't know what I was smoking (again) when I did that.
  4. Junior High is such an awkward time. It's that transition between primary and secondary education. The kiddos are taking the first steps in finding and defining themselves. They begin forming their own opinions and questioning authority. They begin realizing that they are their own persons. They begin to realize the power they hold in their own words and actions. Kids redefine what's cool and what's not.
  5. Going to speech or language therapy certainly isn't cool. BF said, 'The trick to working with JH kids is for them to think you're cool.' Then he added, "Dang, you're screwed!"
  6. Will the kids really think I'm lame? OMG, did I really just ask that? I sound like I regressed to my insecure junior high self. How uncool is that?
  7. At the same time, I think new jobs are always about finding and defining myself, too. It'll be an ongoing process that we'll share together (unbeknownst to my future kiddos).

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Summer Deja Vus

Today, I did two things that I haven't done since nearly a decade ago.
  1. Work on a jigsaw puzzle.
  2. Pull weeds.
I had a blah day so the only thing I felt like doing was something mundane but calming...so I pulled out a 1,000 piece puzzle that I received many years ago but hadn't put together before.

When we were younger, we always spent summers at Gramma's. Summers meant watering the fruit trees and rose gardens, picking peaches and plums (and Asian pears for 2-3 summers), cutting roses to make fragrant arrangements for the kitchen and my bedroom, playing the piano, journaling, pulling 100s of weeds, and putting 1K or 5K jigsaw puzzles together.

During my H.S. years, I spent summers completing 1,000 and 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzles. I believe my interest in them stemmed from staying over at Mom's. She really enjoyed putting them together. Once, I helped her put together a 5K piece of a tiger (her favorite animal).
Much to my dismay, it was missing 3 pieces when we were done.

I ventured forth in my puzzle endeavors (pre-3D days). I marveled at how I could sit literally for hours and work on them. A friend once said, "Puzzles teach patience." To this day, I still believe that.

(Update: 7/15/07: I finished the 1,000 piece puzzle literally the minute before we left Rancho! It's missing one piece, though. Argh! Now, if only I could get paid to put puzzles together...)

The majority of my summer memories also consist of pulling weeds. Gramma's backyard was a jungle of weeds every summer, because she had no landscaping done. From 5th grade to maybe 11th grade, my bro and I pulled weeds every summer. Like multiple Hefty bags full in the Inland Empire heat. By about Junior year, Gramma gave up on the weeds. They had taken over and there was no fighting. I thought weed-pulling days were over.

Especially when Gramma finally landscaped her backyard a few months ago! The first time I saw her backyard was a few weeks ago. We had gotten home late the night before so when I woke up, I looked out of my window and gasped at how beautiful and serene the backyard looked. The fruit trees were bigger than ever, and there was now lush grass spanning from one end to the other and over 60 rose plants lining the rear wall.

Unfortunately, there was less admiration today when I got down to pull weeds from one end to the other. I thought my weed-pulling days were long over. Alas, I was mistaken. (I can't imagine how much more disappointed Gramma is at the fact!)

Some things truly don't change...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Movie Date

BF and I haven't gone to the movies together in at least two years. I think the last movie I saw in the theatre was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

But for once, we planned a movie date, and boy are we glad we did! Today, we went to the Promenade and ate at Island's. My bro met up with us for about 10 minutes, before he headed back upstairs for work. Afterwards, BF and I went to the Rack to kill some time, before we watched ...[drum roll] Transformers! More than meets the eye! 0/~ (Yes, you bet I've been singing it all day.)

What an awesome movie! I laughed through a lot of it (I am a corny person who likes corny humor) and oohed and aahed like it was all real. I think a part of what made this movie so great was the nostalgic factor. It brought back some vague childhood memories for me and some great ones for BF. I was pretty little, but I remember playing with my bro's Transformers (I wonder if I broke any?) and watching the cartoons.

It's funny how some things can make us feel and act like kids again. Actually, it's wonderful.

The Small Things

This is life~

Waking up to a nice breeze to have a tasty breakfast of a gourmet cupcake (compliments of bro's friend) and my favorite drip coffee, Starbucks Christmas Blend.

My coffee is even black and in decaf, something very new in my book.

Monday, July 09, 2007

45 Degree Angle

Lil F has been sleeping in a weird position lately. It's like she is sitting and then falls asleep. It's both funny and creepy at the same time. Is she crazy, talented, or both?

She also continues to baffle us by climbing onto her dock after-basking-hours to go to sleep. After 2.5 years, she is still surprising us with new shenanigans!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy Chinese Birthday to Ama!

Tomorrow is Ama’s Chinese Birthday (this year), but this year, we are celebrating Gramma Pearl’s American birthday (August 12) instead, when most of the family will be in sunny So. Cal.

As a mini-celebration, we traveled up to Santa Barbara for a day trip! Ever the perpetual party planner, Bro suggested yesterday that we go to SB today, since Ama’s simple wish was to go to the beach for a relaxing day. Dad and Ama got to the Westside around 8:30, and after a necessary Coffee Bean stop, we were well on our way. We hit a small bump in the road (when bro got caught for speeding!), but the rest of our commute was seamless. We arrived at Stearns Wharf a little after 10 AM, and sat down for a quick brunch. (Dad packed some fresh Vietnamese sandwiches and spring rolls. Here is a picture of the HUGE bird -- the size of a turkey, my bro said -- that kept an eye on us/our brunch.)

NOTE: My dad is like a wanna-be National Geographic photographer. He is always taking pictures of birds, wherever he goes! This time, he actually tried to take a picture with this sea gull, but he accidentally scared it off before the Kodak moment.

We spent about an hour checking out the souvenir shops on the Wharf. I'm not big on souvenirs (I have long since quit collecting shot glasses), but I happened to find a beautiful magnet of a sea turtle printed on a mollusk shell. I got my bro's second opinion and quickly purchased that and an ornament for Gramma.

2nd NOTE: Our fridge magnets are soOoOOooO tacky. We have about 8 Panda Express, 4 Lucille's Steakhouse, 2 RESET, 5 non-profit organization magnets...and then 2 souvenir magnets (Hawaii and France). My new, ongoing mission is to replace those ugly magnets with nicer ones. This is a great start. BF even noticed right away (and then called me crazy, as usual).

Afterwards, we hopped on a city shuttle for fun. It cost just a quarter per person and we got a ride from the Wharf, all the way to Downtown and back. We hopped off a little earlier to do some window-shopping, and then trekked back to my car and drove up literally a block and a half to go to the SB Winery. We didn't know it was that close, plus we fooled Gramma into thinking that our car was 2 blocks away, when it was really 5 long ones.

The winery was when things got wild! Well, for Birthday Gramma. :) Bro and Gramma sampled a variety of 6 wines...and Gramma got lovely tipsy between the 2nd and 3rd sample. It was too cute for words. She even posed a few times!

We left shortly after and headed to Brophy Bros. for a late lunch/early dinner. The wait was a crazy 45 minutes, so we checked out the shops there and Gramma tried on a few hats, but didn't find one she liked.

Our meal was a hefty, yummy one. Between all of us, we family-styled the following: hot combination platter of appetizers (including baked oysters and clams), seafood medley chef's salad (it wouldn't be me if I didn't order some type of seafood medley!), and a calamari entree. It was soOOOOOOoo much food!

By then, we were pretty tired and headed back home. Good thing, b/c it took us 2 hours to get back to West L.A. There was soOOOOooo much traffic. :( All in all, we had a wonderful day at the beach...just a little farther North than Gramma expected. :)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July

I've been asking BF about 4th of July plans since last week b/c I love BBQs and fireworks. Since we just got a grill, he said, "no promises, but if anything, we can just grill here." So at first, the party was just gonna be us two, but then we invited a few homies (who invited a few homies). Turns out that today was the biggest gathering at Chez C&C, yet! :)

We were so delighted that everyone showed up. First was FBM and BF's Godson, then bro, Rose, & Lynnielove, then bro's friend and adorable 2 y/o son, and last but definitely not least, BSILF and hubby! They stayed the latest, which was nice; after a frenzied day of hosting, it was relaxing to end on an intimate setting with great friends. It was a great day of laughter and yummy food. I even grilled mushrooms, white corn, and drumsticks for nostalgic and appetite-satiating purposes.

By the end of the evening, BF and I were pooped! We ended our evening doing our typical 4th of July viewing of fireworks from our balcony. Unlike last year, we barely caught sight of 3 firework fanfares (vs. 5 last year). There is something nice and peaceful in us two viewing fireworks from the privacy of our balcony...and then walking 3 steps to get back home.

All in all, my bro said, "you pulled off a very successful BBQ." I could definitely get used to hosting more parties/BBQs. :) I've been watching a lot of TV and those s'more commercials are definitely taking a toll on me...!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A Ladies' Nite In

I can't remember the last time I saw my 2 GFs, but I know it's been a while (especially since this is the first time I am "introducing" them on this blog). I met both GFs during orientation of freshman year at college, when we were a bunch of lost souls taking the first step towards individualization. It wasn't until a quarter later that I began developing a friendship with BGF (since we had sOoOo many classes together) and then the following year with JuneBug. After living together for ~2.5 years, we quickly developed wonderful friendships living, partying, crying, laughing, and stressing together.

Tonight, we had a glam reunion at Chez Chanel. A bottle of wine and a faux Mediterranean dinner later, we caught up on the last year until it was time for the ladies to head out. I had no idea until tonight that the three of us feel that our sophomore year (the one year that all 3 of us lived together) was the best year (a.k.a. "the funnest year"). We'll just leave it at that... ;)

It's truly amazing -- and fun -- to see how much we've gone through and to see where we're at now. More than once, GFs and I concurred that it's amazing that we are still alive (and normal). (I mean, Jungle Juice; wth is that made of?) JuneBug obtained her MPH after we lived together post-college, and now she has completed her 2nd year of med school. BGF, hubby, and 2 doggies are moving into their new house in September, and when the time is right, they will have children. As for BF and I, (depending on 100 conditions and factors) we have big plans for next year...!