Today, I did some more late spring-cleaning and finished my reset diet! I also anxiously waited all day to go on a walk at the beach with my bro. Around 6:30, he picked me up and we did his typical Venice to Santa Monica walk, but the fun part is that we stopped by the rings! (I may be mistaken, but I told Bro that these are the rings that Mark swings on every lunch). My bro encouraged me to try them. With much cajoling, I ended up beginning with the "easier" rings (a few inches closer to the ground and closer-spaced together). I was able to go all the way to the end and back (sans fancy 360 at the last ring to bring myself back around). Then, I climbed 4/5 of the nearby rope!! I was so close to the top!! (I think if I hadn't stopped and hung on for dear life every few seconds to laugh, I would've been even closer to the top.) That was first time ever climbing a rope; not too bad for these wimpy arms who can barely lift her own bowling ball any more. I didn't even think I could get up halfway! The last challenge was the "tougher" rings. I almost didn't make it but when I landed, a bystander (who rudely cut in front of me) commented, "Good job! I didn't think you'd make it!" Um, thanks, I think.
Anywho, I managed to catch some shots of my bro in action. :) (I am doing my best to get used to the fact that I have a camera. The last camera I had was from my HS graduation, 10 years ago! Also from my bro!)
Afterwards, we rushed back to my place while I changed and then we picked Lynnielove up and headed to Hollywood Park. I was very excited because it was my first time at the horse races, and for some unknown reason, I've wanted to go ever since college. Not only that, but I had passed Hollywood Park at least 3 times a week when I was interning in the hood. But to actually be there for its purpose was awesome!
It was really exciting to watch a few races, hear the crowd cheer, and see the upsets at the last millisecond. Dude, what I would've given to actually touch one of the horses...! My bro says they are beautiful up close. At the bigger championship races, he has gotten to take pictures with the horse owners. (That is as close as he will get to a horse; ironically, he is severely allergic to horses!)
Immediately after the last race, Berlin performed on a stage in the lower area so we moshed in the pit for a little bit (well, not really moshed, but we were in the pit!). I love any live concert so even though I only knew 1.5 songs, it was still awesome, fun, and beautiful.
I didn't get any great shots of the lead singer, but I think my bro did. It was really neat b/c she sang while she sat atop some dude's shoulders, and she wandered amongst the crowd for 1.5 songs. Unfortunately, we were like 3 people too far back for her to reach out and touch my hand. Boo!
All in all, quite an eventful evening and night! It just makes me appreciate -- once again -- being done with school (for now).